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NIAP Webinar: Advancing Early-Career Alzheimer's Researchers - Funding Opportunity and Mentorship Program

Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 9:30am - 10:30am PT / 12:30 - 1:30pm ET

Join us for a 60-minute virtual information session on the New Investigator Award Program (NIAP), co-hosted by the Alzheimer's Association, REC, and NACC. Learn about the NIAP funding, application process, and mentorship opportunities. We'll dedicate ample time for your questions about the award program. Register now to receive the Zoom link and take the first step toward advancing your ADRD research career!

Our Speakers:

Heather Snyder, PhD
Vice President of Medical & Scientific Relations - Alzheimer's Association

Sarah Biber, PhD
Executive Director - NACC

Susy Stark, MD
REC Leader and REC Steering Committee Member - Washington University

Our Moderator:

Stefania Forner, PhD
Director of Medical & Scientific Relations - Alzheimer's Association

How to Attend this Webinar:
Please register using the form on this page. Upon submission, you will receive a follow-up email with relevant event information, including the Zoom link and calendar invite. This event is open to all ADRC members and our AD/ADRD community partners. Please circulate this page to anyone who may want to join.

New Investigator Award Eligibility: To be eligible for the New Investigator Award Program (NIAP), you must:

  • Be a new investigator, defined as a post-doctoral fellow, resident, or junior faculty member who has not yet been promoted to associate professor rank (MD or PhD).

  • Be within ten years of your terminal degree (exceptions may be considered).
  • Not have received an R01 grant or a previous NIAP award at the time of NIAP application.

  • Dedicate a minimum of 10-20% of your position to the proposed research project.

Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) Affiliation Requirement

To be eligible for the New Investigator Award Program, you must be affiliated with an ADRC. This affiliation must be confirmed through a letter from your ADRC Director. The definition of "affiliation" can vary across the ADRC Program and is determined by each individual ADRC Director. Your Director's letter must confirm the following:

  • Your affiliation with the ADRC was established before October 2024 and is ongoing.
  • The specific nature of your affiliation is at the Director's discretion. 
  • Your affiliation may include but is not limited to holding a formal position at the ADRC, active engagement in ADRC activities, receiving or being eligible to receive a salary from the ADRC, working in an ADRC-affiliated laboratory as a faculty member or clinician, or being a postdoctoral researcher contributing to ADRC-funded research.

The Director does not need to specify which criteria are met, only that you are considered affiliated with the ADRC. The letter must also confirm that the ADRC can manage and disburse the New Investigator Award funds to the winner via the ADRC's existing subcontract with NACC.

A template for this letter is provided in the online application materials and on NACC's website.

For more information about the NIAP awards, visit: https://naccdata.org/nacc-productivity/new-investigator-awards 

Please reach out to info@naccdata.org with any questions regarding this webinar.